We are always anxious to maintain and improve our service. If you have any suggestions to make please contact the head of the establishment in the first instance. Similarly if you have a complaint about any aspect of the service you should contact the establishment head. At Bellrock Nursery School we do everything we can to make sure you have confidence in the service we offer to you and your family. However, occasionally things can go wrong. If you have reason to complain we will always listen carefully to you. We promise to take a balanced and fair view and take whatever action is necessary to resolve the problem
If you feel your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved with the educational head, then the next stage is to contact a more senior person with the relevant knowledge to successfully resolve the problem.
Please contact our Customer Care Team who will:
Give a full written response within a further 20 working days, unless another timescale has been agreed.
The Customer Care Team can be contacted by phone or visiting their website:
Phone 0141 287 0900
Web site: www.glasgow.gov.uk/ContactUs
Customer Care Team,
Chief Executive's Department,
Glasgow City Council,
G2 9RZ
Or you may wish to contact the Care Inspectorate. This is an independent body that regulates and inspects nurseries and other care settings. Our last Inspection report is available for parents to view.
The Care Inspectorate has several offices around Scotland. Please refer to: http://www.scswis.com/
Or phone 08456009527
Fax 01382207289
Online complaints form at www.scswis.com
Email enquiries@careinspectorate.com
300 Mossvale Road,Glasgow, G33 5QSPhone: 0141 774 4555E-mail: headteacher@towerview-nursery.glasgow.sch.uk