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Starting Nursery

The first few weeks at nursery can be scary and exciting, some children find this a difficult period.  We want you and your child to feel safe, secure and happy in nursery – the settling in period is therefore very important.  When your child first arrives at nursery he/she will be assigned to a group – the staff member for your child is known as the Key Worker. The Key Worker will be your liaison person during the settling in period.

On the first day your child will stay for one hour and we ask that a responsible adult waits with him/her.  We take our lead from the child so, after discussion with your child, yourself and the child’s Key Worker your child’s time at nursery is gradually extended until he / she is ready to commence their placement.

Nursery life can be very messy, we will always try to make sure the children wear aprons but accidents do happen, therefore we would advise you to dress your child in suitable clothing.

Can we ask that a spare set of clothing is left in the nursery in case of accidents? Clothing should be labelled with your child’s name on it.